NASA Space App Challenge
Hackathon Workshop

- Programming Workshop
- Web Development Workshop
- Project Management
- Video, Graphic Presentation
- Make a video presentation about the project
Develop an Application in response to one of the official
Space Apps Challenges
1.1 Keep any code developed during the event open-source. Keep in mind that they like open data.
1.2 Use raw data from NASA data source to develop your application only ( DATA ANALYST )
Clearly show how NASA data, products, or other resources were integrated into your project. Finish updating your project page on the Space Apps website
- Summary of your project (Web Development)
- How we address this challenge
- What is the problem that affect our life?
- What is it? (Describe your app)
- What is your plan to solve the problem?
- Provide information step by step how you solved the problem.
- What do we hope to achieve?
- How does it work?
- Explain how your app works
- How did we develop this project?
- Who motivated us?
- How did we make it? How NASA space data was used?
- What problem and achievements did your team have?
- Project Demo (30 sec of glory)
- Project video
- App prototypes
- Data & Resources
- Include a link to code in a public repository on your project page
- Ensure that all your team members are registered and identified on the team’s webpage.
Create info Graphic or poster to represent your project. Use English language on your project page and English language or English-language subtitles if you’re asked to create a video.
- How does the application work?
- During the working progress
- Video editing (no copyright music used)