
*** If anyone is interested You can contact at Line ID : @oculusthailand ***

The Robodog robot measures 0.588 × 0.29 × 0.22 meters, weighs 12 kg, has a speed of 3.7 m/s and can reach a maximum speed of 5 m/s. It has high performance AI running on 16 CPU cores and 384 GPUs. Cores can carry a payload of up to 3 kg and a maximum payload of 10 kg.

  • With Graphic Processing API (OTA)
  • There is a Python Programming API.
  • Has HAI 1 Human Recognition
  • Have APP Top view
  • It can be used either 4G or 5G.
  • There is a Foot Force Sensor.
  • There is a Multifunction Extension Interface.
  • Lidar available (choose between 2D or 3D)